Signals to Poor Power Quality (PQ)

Poor Power Quality is now in the front burner of ALL facilities, from Utilities, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, ICT, Banking & Financial Institutions, Manufacturing, Data centers, Commercial Building to Service industries.

 Affecting Reliability, Productivity and Bottom Line of any infrastructure connected to electric Power.

If the Quality of the Electricity your Plant consumes is not what it should be, it’s costing your company more than it should.

Poor Power Quality shortens the life of your machines, trips your automated equipment, and produces extraneous heat that must be removed.

Ironically, many of these issues originate inside the Plant.

Now more than ever, it is no longer only necessary to deliver Power, but the need to understand Power, its Quality and how it influences our businesses and profitability is significantly critical.

As Electronic loads increase and take on more important roles in companies and our lives, so do Power Quality concerns.

Power Quality has now become an everyday and everybody’s concern, everywhere manifesting in the work place as:

  • Nuisance tripping of Circuit breakers, relays and contractors.
  • Computer lock ups and damages.
  • Sensitive equipment crashing intermittently (e.g. PLC, ASD, VFD, Controllers, Communication Equipment, etc.)
  • Data loss.
  • Loss of synchronization of process equipment
  • Motors /other process equipment malfunction or damage
  • Noise interference to signal & telephone noise
  • Motors / transformers / cables over heating
  • Highly flickers or dim
  • Electric shocks

The ultimate cost, being down-time (unreliable electrical system), decreased productivity and frustrated personnel.

At FullSpectrum Energy, we understand the full spectrum of Power Quality, assisting organizations across all sectors, cut down wastages associated with PQ and remain competitive.

We keep businesses up and 🏃 seamlessly and optimally.

Call or email TODAY.

Victor Oyedu, FNSE, FNIEEE, CPQ.
Power Quality and Energy Management Specialist.
Publisher at & 

CEO, FullSpectrum Energy Solutions Limited, Nigeria

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